The simple things!

So the first week of the New Year has begun and one of my New Year’s resolutions is to capture and really enjoy the simple things in life! I will do my very best to take a few minutes each day to slow down and just enjoy the moment …

First of all I’d like you to listen to this in the background and then continue reading… click here.

My 2 & 5 year old children have inspired me to do this:

DSCN7759To see life through children’s eyes with the same wonder and awe over a puddle that splashes as you step into it, the way the ripples form in the water as you throw a stone into it, a little beetle lying on its back trying to get up with its tiny legs wriggling. 

I love going to the beach no matter what the weather, listening to the waves swooshing over the sand and shells forming little bubbles, here I can relax and unwind… even better … letting the children run over to the water only to run straight back so that the waves can’t catch them, giggling and laughing all the way through, leaving tiny footprints in the sand. I will cherish those giggles and footprints and try to hold onto every minute of this as they are only small such a short while.

I will try and not get annoyed as I try to prepare dinner, wash clothes, sweep the floor while little hands tug on me and little voices say “Mammy, mammy” over and over. Daily life stresses such as money, relationships and how clean the house looks sometimes take over, but this year I will remember that children will only remember the time we spent with them, not how clean the house was… I will cherish all the little things, the way my little girl calls me at night if she gets scared or sick, me and only me, because to her I am her comfort. The way my little boy asks me a million questions a day, such as “why do bubbles sometimes burst without being touched, mammy?” awaiting the answer with wide eyes, because to him I know everything.

Photo1221There is so much beauty in the world- take time to notice it. Everything else will fall into place, if you keep happy.

With all this new technology, let’s not forget about the simple things.

“We must teach our children
To smell the earth,
To taste the rain,
To touch the wind,
To see things grow,
To hear the sun rise
And night fall,
To care.”
— John Cleal

Relax and wind down, enjoy the moment you are in, forget about technology in those precious moments and just BE in that moment. Nobody can give you back those moments or take them away from you. Make memories, play, be silly, have fun and most of all LOVE ❤ . Spend less money and more time with those most precious to you. On a “bad” day notice the raindrops on the window racing to the bottom, focus on the good. There is good in every situation we just have to find it.

Now go and enjoy LIFE…!

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2 responses

  1. Wow lovely writing sometimes in life its hard to appreciate what’s in front of you and we all need reminders from time to time that life doesn’t have to be so difficult and that we are loved unconditionally by our kids. Thanks for that reminder xx

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