SALE, Almost Free Chakra Guide

Try out one of my digital printable items from my etsy shop @modernhippiecdesigns .

You can get this sweet Chakra guide for much less than a cup of coffee. Use Code: ALMOSTFREE HERE. It’s 75% OFF when using this code.

Chakras are energy centers located in our bodies, and a chakra guide can help us to understand how to use them to promote healing and balance.

A chakra guide can provide us with information on the seven main chakras in the body, their associated colors, symbols, and qualities. It can also provide us with guidance on how to open and activate each of these energy centers so that we can experience greater harmony in our lives. With a chakra guide, we can learn how to use these powerful tools for self-healing and transformation.

If you like it please leave me a good review, if you don’t please message me what could be improved.

I strive for perfection so I’d love to hear all comments. There’s also 25% off storewide at the moment if you feel like browsing.

If you’re looking to open up your own Etsy Shop, before you create your shop, click this link to get 40 FREE ETSY LISTINGS to get you started.

Happy Healing,


The simple things!

So the first week of the New Year has begun and one of my New Year’s resolutions is to capture and really enjoy the simple things in life! I will do my very best to take a few minutes each day to slow down and just enjoy the moment …

First of all I’d like you to listen to this in the background and then continue reading… click here.

My 2 & 5 year old children have inspired me to do this:

DSCN7759To see life through children’s eyes with the same wonder and awe over a puddle that splashes as you step into it, the way the ripples form in the water as you throw a stone into it, a little beetle lying on its back trying to get up with its tiny legs wriggling.Β 

I love going to the beach no matter what the weather, listening to the waves swooshing over the sand and shells forming little bubbles, here I can relax and unwind… even better … letting the children run over to the water only to run straight back so that the waves can’t catch them, giggling and laughing all the way through, leaving tiny footprints in the sand. I will cherish those giggles and footprints and try to hold onto every minute of this as they are only small such a short while.

I will try and not get annoyed as I try to prepare dinner, wash clothes, sweep the floor while little hands tug on me and little voices say “Mammy, mammy” over and over. Daily life stresses such as money, relationships and how clean the house looks sometimes take over, but this year I will remember that children will only remember the time we spent with them, not how clean the house was… I will cherish all the little things, the way my little girl calls me at night if she gets scared or sick, me and only me, because to her I am her comfort. The way my little boy asks me a million questions a day, such as “why do bubbles sometimes burst without being touched, mammy?” awaiting the answer with wide eyes, because to him I know everything.

Photo1221There is so much beauty in the world- take time to notice it. Everything else will fall into place, if you keep happy.

With all this new technology, let’s not forget about the simple things.

“We must teach our children
To smell the earth,
To taste the rain,
To touch the wind,
To see things grow,
To hear the sun rise
And night fall,
To care.”
β€” John Cleal

Relax and wind down, enjoy the moment you are in, forget about technology in those precious moments and just BE in that moment. Nobody can give you back those moments or take them away from you. Make memories, play, be silly, have fun and most of all LOVE ❀ . Spend less money and more time with those most precious to you. On a “bad” day notice the raindrops on the window racing to the bottom, focus on the good. There is good in every situation we just have to find it.

Now go and enjoy LIFE…!

PicMonkey Collage




Natural Acne Cure??!!…

Do you or your teenage kids have spotty skin, acne or are you left with those horrible acne scars?

As a teenager I had an awful time with my horrible skin… and I really hope none of my children will inherit it. Because it was only awful to be a teenager surrounded by other teenagers, when the focal point of your life is YOU and how YOU look! Some of you might know what I’m talking about. I have tried every single cream, wash, lotion and potion I could find. Some of which were actually harmful and could cause miscarriages if you were pregnant, but didn’t even state this on the pack.

Anyway… here is something you can try. It’s easy! It’s cheap! It’s natural! Without any side effects…. can you guess what it is?

BANANA SKINS!!! YES, it’s THAT simple!


So this is what you do:

Eat a banana… yummy… the riper the better! (ok, well this is optional πŸ˜‰ )

By eating the banana you do sooo many good things for your body, like lowering your blood pressure, improving your mood, making you more alert before exams and so so many more things.

Now you take the skin and cut off a little piece like so:


Rub the inside of the banana skin onto your problem area until the skin turns brown… you can cut off another piece if this wasn’t enough and do it again.

Leave this on your face for a good 5 mins until your skin is totally dry. Then wash your face with warm water.

Ideally you should repeat this 3 times a day. You can even leave it on overnight and wash off in the morning. If you do this 3 times a day you should see an improvement after the first day but after about 5 days your skin should have cleared up a good bit.

For me it took a little longer as I could only do it twice a day. This should also improve any old acne scars you may have.

Now you don’t have to eat 3 bananas a day of course, I personally make my kids eat one a day πŸ˜›

It would be best to use organic bananas, but even those can be got fairly cheap in Aldi for €1.69 for a bunch.

I wasn’t brave enough to put up a picture of myselfΒ  πŸ˜€

Should you or your kids try this, do let me know how it worked for you!?

You can also use banana skin on your leather shoes or purse and give them a quick polish with a cloth afterwards or on bug bites to relieve itching. You see it’s all there… right in front of us…. nature has provided a cure for everything. We just have to find it!!

And please do visit me on my facebook page. πŸ™‚


The poor little teething monster.

You know those sleepless nights,right? The ones after the initial few weeks/months of your baby waking for mooore milk. Just when you thought you had come through those first few months looking like a zombie, BAAAAM, the teeth kick in. And this time our poor babies are not hungry but in pain! It’s just so tough to see your baby in pain and you feel helpless because maybe all your doctor or nurse told you to do is give them yet again Calpol every 4 hours and Nurofen every 8 hours. Anyway that’s what I was told. And for me it was an internal battle with myself, OF course I don’t want my little one to be in pain…but do I want her body pumped up with medicine???

Not ONLY the pain… but with teething there come a whole lot of other very annoying symptoms. Take my little girl for example, had the whole dribbling thing going on… but not just a bit… It was constant and NO Bib could stop it. I’ve tried so many and she would get this awful red rash on her neck in all them chubby, cute little creases. Eventually after I had tried and tested maaaany, maaaaaaaaany specialized bibs I had found THE ONE! And I canΒ  highly recommend this particular one, because for my daughter it was the only one that actually worked. It was the MUM2MUM Bandana WonderBib. You can find them here: , or on Facebook.Β 


They come in loads of styles and colours, so they’re not only great for dribbling babies but look supercute too. People often commented on how cool she looks. πŸ™‚ They’re 100% Cotton and superabsorbant with a nylon water resistan backing so that all that liquid doesn’t soak through onto your babies clothes. Also great for babies that have reflux.

Once I had the rash and dribble problem sorted I was looking for natural ways to help her with that awful pain. Not even all that calpol and nurofen would make that much of a difference to her. So my recommendation for their gums would be the Nelson Teething Granules, which is an all NATURAL homeopathic teething remedy. Available in most Chemists.

ImageIt contains the herb Chamomilla and really helped my little ones. I found the granules the best, the gel seems to dissolve too quickly. But these granules are very handy to have, you can just have a sachet or two in your handbag, so you’re always prepared. πŸ™‚ You just tip the granules into your baby’s mouth and watch them enjoy them. Ya really ! My little girl loooooved them and couldn’t wait for her next sachet haha. Here is their homepage so you can do some reading yourself!

Another, more controversial thing that seemed to take the edge off the pain & dribbling were Amber Anklets. I opted for the anklet for safett reasons. Of course you don’t want your baby to EVER chew on those stones, because they could possibly pose a choking hazard. HERE is a link to the NSA website that advises not to buy these. Because I want you to be able to make an informed choice. However when I was using my amber teething anklet for my babies, this wasn’t out yet. But really it is just common sense in my opinion. So it is very important to place the anklet/bracelet on your baby’s skin. What I did was put it on her ankle and put her sleepsuit or socks over it. As she grew older I did stop using it as she was able to open her sleepsuit and take off her socks. So please be careful and aware.

Here is a link to the one that I got, that now says 3 years+ on it for those safety reasons.


I even used it once when I had a real bad toothache and it certainly did take the edge off the pain πŸ™‚

Now with those few tricks I did definately have a much happier little babba, however the constant chewing was still an issue, as she always went for my necklaces when she was in my arms, which again wouldn’t be safe for her OR my much loved necklace πŸ™‚ . BUT I have found THE perfect solution for this too. I’m so excited to tell you about this, you might already know them, but I think it’s GENIUS! I have found Jewellery for men and women, bangles and necklaces that are made from non-toxic, silicone. It’s super flexible and CHEWABLE and it even looks fab! GUMIGEM Teething Jewellery:Image

And this one is my favourite style:


And if you have one of their Bangles you can even buy a clip attachment, so you can turn it into a teething toy which clips onto your babies clothes.


Natural and a perfect solution to my jewellery gnawing baby πŸ™‚

Now where can you get those? Here is the link to their online shop. They also have a facebook page.

One last thing now before I go back to play with my little monkeys πŸ™‚

SORE BumBums! I always felt soooo awful, it looks so sore and you try and clean their raw looking bums. The best Nappyrash cream that I have found is the all natural Weleda Calendula Cream.You can get it in most chemists as well πŸ™‚Image

And if the bum is not yet too sore for a warm bath, a very good home remedie that I always use at the first sign of nappy rash is Chamomile Tea in the bath πŸ™‚ Yes really a TeaBath. You can either put 2 teabags into the bath or make a jug full of tea with boiling water first, leave for about 10 mins and then pour that tea into the bath. The chamomile really soothes and calms the soreness. And if you want to add a drop of Lavender Essential Oil with some carrier oil, then you’ll have calm, relaxed, sleepy babies ready for bed πŸ™‚

I hope you enjoyed my Blog and got at least 1 or 2 things out of it. And here is MY facebook page.

Stay tuned for more soon xx

How I went from a NewMammy to a Modern HIPPIE Mammy :)

So, this first BlogPost will actually tell you a bit about my story behing becoming a “Modern Hippie Mammy” πŸ™‚

It all started with the birth of my first child, my little boy. He was perfect and so teeny tiny and squishy and smelt so nice. However, after a few days I realized something wasn’t right, he would wake up screeeaaaaaming out of nowhere, like he was in so much pain. So off to the doctor I went… of course the doctor told us the usual “ah it’s just a bit of wind, just give him some Infacol”. Being a first time mother, I of course thought the doctor knows better.

Anyway, after 6 weeks of constant crying and trying anything in the book to relieve his windy belly and the added constipation, he would still wake up screaming every single night, and nothing would calm him down… me and my partner were at breaking point. We took him to the A&E where eventually they found out it was Anal Stenosis, a tight bum one might say πŸ˜‰ He had surgery at 11 weeks and all went well……. apart from the screaming at night…

To make a very long, distressing, heartbreaking and tiring story shorter… when he was 9 months old we’ve had enough! He had been in hospital countless times and nobody could figure out WHAT was wrong with him… or me for that matter, as all I could ever hear the nurses say “Oh, she’s a first time mum!!” How I hated that, cause I knew something wasn’t right.

Out of pure despair, we brought him to a sacro-cranial Therapist, who said he would heal him through energy. Only through his hands, fully clothed.

Ya I know πŸ™‚ some of you might think… COME ON… a healer, she’s lost the plot!

So did we, but then again it took us loosing the plot to go to him in the first place.

That night after his session with the Therapist, we all went to bed exhausted, expecting him to wake every hour as usual…. but we woke at 7 am…. no screaming… no crying… only little baby babbling BAAGAA GUUU πŸ˜‰

We were over the moon and couldn’t believe it. DELIGHTED our little man was pain free and happy! He had another few sessions after that and our Therapist told us what is going on in his little body, which we got confirmed by a german doctor via ultrasound on holidays. Airbubbles in his intestines, resulting from the surgery somehow. Those airbubbles were pushing his stomach up, hence he’d get sick a lot and was constantly hungry. Also they were pushing his lungs together which is why he couldn’t breath properly. All we needed was “Espumisan” to get rid of the stuck airbubbles in his intestines.

On a happier note: The next morning he started to crawl πŸ˜€

Anyway, that’s how I started believing in Sacro Cranial Therapy, Reiki or JIN SHIN JYUTSU. And I’m happy to recommend you those that I have had good experiences with πŸ™‚

I hope I didn’t bore you too much with my whole page of explanations but I thought it would be good to know how I went from being a total sceptic to a HippieMammy πŸ™‚

In the next BlogPosts I will tell you more of what I learnt along the way, all natural stuff that you should have in your cupboards for teething, sore bums as well as colds and flu’s… and many, many more.

So please Stay Tuned for the wonderful world of HealingFoods xxx

I’d love to hear your story πŸ™‚